Admire the diamond that can bear the hits of a hammer. Many deceptive preachers, when critically examined, turn out to be false.
KABIRWhen the flower opens, the bees will come.
More Kabir Quotes
My Beloved One gleams like the lightning flash in the sky.
Be strong then, and enter into your own body; there you have a solid place for your feet.
Stand firm in that which you are.
Listen to your own Self. If you listen to that Self within, then you find the Truth.
Are you looking for the Holy One? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is against yours.
Lift the veil that obscures the heart, and there you will find what you are looking for.
Student, tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath.
A diamond was laying in the street covered with dirt. Many fools passed by. Someone who knew diamonds picked it up.
Do what you do with another human being, but never put them out of your heart.
I am not a Hindu, Nor a Muslim, I am this body, a play Of five elements a drama Of the spirit dancing With joy and sorrow.
Forgiveness is a game only saints play Kabir.
The sun is within me and so is the moon.
When you really look for me you will see me instantly.
A learned man’s knowledge will be of no avail to him if he doesn’t have control over his tongue.
As long as I talked unceasingly about the Lord,The Lord stayed away, kept at a distance.But when I silenced my mouth, sat very stillAnd fixed my mind at the doorway of the Lord,I was linked to the music of the Word,And all my talking came to an end.