Trust me: it’s cool to invest.
JUICE WRLDRelated Topics
Trust me: it’s cool to invest.
JUICE WRLDIn this life we live it’s hard to find a soul to trust, you can never trust a soul too much.
JUICE WRLDI’m probably one of the biggest Drake fans you could ever find.
JUICE WRLDThe DRFL tour has been nothing but epic.
JUICE WRLDI’ve always been involved in music. Whether it be taking piano lessons or something, I always have.
JUICE WRLDRandom thought of the day: I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m a fuck up.
JUICE WRLDWhen I say forever I mean it.
JUICE WRLDI freestyle everything.
JUICE WRLDReal will always recognize real.
JUICE WRLDCan’t come down from the high you give me.
JUICE WRLDFull of life I can steal grant a death wish.
JUICE WRLDNobody on this earth is perfect. Everybody has their flaws; everybody has their dark secrets and vices.
JUICE WRLDAngels on earth exist I know it.
JUICE WRLDI’ve always been different.
JUICE WRLDI really just like making music.
JUICE WRLDI kinda grew up in different places. I was just from everywhere.