Jesus is mysterious not just because of what we don’t know about him, but because of what we do know about him.
JOHN ORTBERGRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
Jesus is mysterious not just because of what we don’t know about him, but because of what we do know about him.
JOHN ORTBERGThe harder you strike it, the deeper it goes.
JOHN ORTBERGOne of the hardest things in the world is to stop being the prodigal son without turning into the elder brother.
JOHN ORTBERGBiblically, waiting is not just something we have to do until we get what we want. Waiting is part of the process of becoming what God wants us to be.
JOHN ORTBERGThe decision to grow always involves a choice between risk and comfort. This means that to be a follower of Jesus, you must renounce comfort as the ultimate value of your life.
JOHN ORTBERGIf we are serious about loving God, we must begin with people, all people. And especially we must learn to love those that the world generally discards.
JOHN ORTBERGWaiting on the Lord is a confident, disciplined, expectant, active, sometimes painful clinging to God.
JOHN ORTBERGGod is a God of endless opportunities to do good; the God of the open door.
JOHN ORTBERGImagine watching all that God might have done with your life if you had let him.
JOHN ORTBERGThe life of Abraham Lincoln is by most accounts an amazing study in character formation. Yet he was notoriously disorganized; he even had a file in his law office labeled If you can’t find it anywhere else, try looking here.
JOHN ORTBERGThe Bible does not say you are God’s appliance; it says you are his masterpiece. Appliances get mass-produced.
JOHN ORTBERGThe only cure from sin is by maintaining a vision of God.
JOHN ORTBERGYou must arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy and confidence in your everyday life with God.
JOHN ORTBERGWe are tempted to live under the illusion that somewhere out there are people who are normal.
JOHN ORTBERGGoing in faith does not necessarily mean going with serenity or without doubts. Faith can be difficult.
JOHN ORTBERGThe character of the faith that allows us to be transformed by suffering and darkness is not doubt-free certainty; rather, it is tenacious obedience.