You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.
JOHN ORTBERGRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.
JOHN ORTBERGLeadership is the art of disappointing people at a rate they can stand.
JOHN ORTBERGNever try to have more faith – just get to know God better. And because God is faithful, the better you know Him, the more you’ll trust Him.
JOHN ORTBERGGod wishes to be seen, wishes to be sought, wishes to be expected, and wishes to be trusted.
JOHN ORTBERGOver time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.
JOHN ORTBERGPassion for our work is not usually a subterranean volcano waiting to erupt. It is a muscle that gets strengthened a little each day as we show up – as we do what is expected of us, and then some.
JOHN ORTBERGThe decision to grow always involves a choice between risk and comfort. This means that to be a follower of Jesus, you must renounce comfort as the ultimate value of your life.
JOHN ORTBERGThe test of love is that it gives even when there is no expectation of a return.
JOHN ORTBERGHurry is not just a disordered schedule. Hurry is a disordered heart.
JOHN ORTBERGJoylessness may be the sin most readily tolerated by the church.
JOHN ORTBERGWhen we live in the love of God, we begin to pay attention to people the way God pays attention to us.
JOHN ORTBERGPrudence is not hesitation, procrastination, or moderation. It is not driving in the middle of the road. It is not the way of ambivalence, indecision, or safety.
JOHN ORTBERGSkepticism can keep us from blessing, can keep us trapped in two minds.
JOHN ORTBERGToday, see each problem as an invitation to prayer.
JOHN ORTBERGTo become truly free, you must surrender.
JOHN ORTBERGJesus associated with the outcasts; he spoke with them, touched them, ate with them, loved them.