As long as we have unsolved problems, unfulfilled desires, and a mustard seed of faith, we have all we need for a vibrant prayer life.
JOHN ORTBERGRelated Topics
Anand Thakur
As long as we have unsolved problems, unfulfilled desires, and a mustard seed of faith, we have all we need for a vibrant prayer life.
JOHN ORTBERGJesus changed how the world thinks about science, medicine, human rights, education & more.
JOHN ORTBERGSpiritual transformation is not a matter of trying harder, but of training wisely.
JOHN ORTBERGIf we are serious about loving God, we must begin with people, all people. And especially we must learn to love those that the world generally discards.
JOHN ORTBERGOver time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.
JOHN ORTBERGSkeptics would rather, even at their own expense, appear to be right than take the risk of trusting.
JOHN ORTBERGThe most frequent promise in the Bible is ‘I will be with you.’
JOHN ORTBERGThe primary goal of spiritual life is human transformation.
JOHN ORTBERGChurches can become places of cynicism, resistance, and pessimism.
JOHN ORTBERGThe only cure from sin is by maintaining a vision of God.
JOHN ORTBERGEvery day you and I walk through God’s shop. Every day we brush up against objects of incalculable worth to Him. People. Every one of them carries a price tag, if only we could see it.
JOHN ORTBERGTrue repentance never leads to despair. Its leads home. It leads to grace.
JOHN ORTBERGsometimes we do not realize how much we have to be grateful for until it is threatened.
JOHN ORTBERGIf I have the courage to acknowledge my limits and embrace them, I can experience enormous freedom. If I lack this courage, I will be imprisoned by them.
JOHN ORTBERGAcceptance is an act of the heart. To accept someone is to affirm to them that you think it’s a very good thing they are alive.
JOHN ORTBERGIf you want to do the work of God, pay attention to people. Notice them. Especially the people nobody else notices.