Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.
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Books are the ultimate Dumpees: put them down and they’ll wait for you forever; pay attention to them and they always love you back.
JOHN GREENLife works best when we think of people as people.
JOHN GREENThat didn’t happen, of course. Things never happened the way I imagined them.
JOHN GREENMaybe our favorite quotations say more about us than about the stories and people we’re quoting.
JOHN GREENI don’t think your missing pieces ever fit inside you again once they go missing.
JOHN GREENWhatever you’re worried about, you’re bigger than the worries.
JOHN GREENHe liked the mere act of reading, the magic of turning scratches on a page into words inside his head.
JOHN GREENWhen things break, it’s not the actual breaking that prevents them from getting back together again.
JOHN GREENIt would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.
JOHN GREENIt’s just that most really good-looking people are stupid, so I exceed expectations.
JOHN GREENWithout pain, how could we know joy?
JOHN GREENYou do not immortalize the lost by writing about them. Language buries, but does not resurrect.
JOHN GREENThe past feels distant, even when it’s near. The future feels assured, even when it isn’t.
JOHN GREENYou like someone who can’t like you back because unrequited love can be survived in a way that once-requited love cannot.
JOHN GREENGreat books help you understand, and they help you feel understood.
JOHN GREENShe loved mysteries so much that she became one.