It is the thoughts and intents of the heart that shape a person’s life.
Anand Thakur
It is the thoughts and intents of the heart that shape a person’s life.
JOHN ELDREDGEWe are made in the image of God; we carry within us the desire for our true life of intimacy and adventure. To say we want less than that is to lie.
JOHN ELDREDGEChristianity has basically communicated to men that the reason God put you on this Earth is to be a good boy. Mind your manners, be a nice guy. That’s soul killing!
JOHN ELDREDGESo long as man remains no real threat to the Enemy, Satan’s line to him is ‘You’re fine’. But after you do take sides, it becomes ‘Your heart is bad and you know it’.
JOHN ELDREDGEBut a wound unfelt is a wound unhealed.
JOHN ELDREDGEThe point is the love story. We live in a love story in the midst of war.
JOHN ELDREDGEWithout the anticipation of better things ahead, we will have no heart for the journey.
JOHN ELDREDGEContentment can only happen as we increase desire, let it run itself out towar its fulfilment, and carry us along with it.
JOHN ELDREDGEThere is something else I am after, out here in the wild. I am searching for an even more elusive prey, something that can only be found through the help of wilderness. I am looking for my heart.
JOHN ELDREDGEWhen a woman forsakes her vulnerability because she’s been hurt or because she lives in a dangerous world or doesn’t want to be used, she loses something essential about being a woman.
JOHN ELDREDGETruth be told, most of us are faking our way through life. We pick only those battles we are sure to win, only those adventures we are sure to handle, only those beauties we are sure to rescue.
JOHN ELDREDGEYou would not ask someone with a broken arm to swim the English Channel, so you cannot demand that the broken to live as if they were whole.
JOHN ELDREDGEThere is something about human nature that just doesn’t want to face the reality that we live in two worlds. We live in the physical, material world where we have jobs, read books, and go about our business. And we live in a spiritual world – and that is a world at war.
JOHN ELDREDGEIt takes great courage to be vulnerable. It takes enormous strength to be a real woman.
JOHN ELDREDGEA man’s calling is written on his true heart, and he discovers it when he enters the frontier of his deep desires.
JOHN ELDREDGEWe are not inviting—we are guarded. Most of our energy is spent trying to hide our true selves, and control our worlds to have some sense of security.