Worship is the act of the abandoned heart adoring its God.
Anand Thakur
Worship is the act of the abandoned heart adoring its God.
JOHN ELDREDGEWe don’t see clearly because we don’t see with the eyes of our heart.
JOHN ELDREDGEWhat strikes me about Jesus is that he is a remarkably true person; he never changes his personality to fit in with whatever crowd he finds himself. He is simply himself, and he never plays to his audience.
JOHN ELDREDGEThe story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears it.
JOHN ELDREDGEDesire, both the whispers and the shouts, is the map we have been given to find the only life worth living.
JOHN ELDREDGEChristianity has basically communicated to men that the reason God put you on this Earth is to be a good boy. Mind your manners, be a nice guy. That’s soul killing!
JOHN ELDREDGEYou can’t fight a battle you don’t think exists.
JOHN ELDREDGEA wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal.
JOHN ELDREDGEEternal life is not primarily duration but quality of life, “life to the limit.
JOHN ELDREDGEWe are created for adventure, and if we cannot find one, we start blowing things out of proportion so it feels like we have one.
JOHN ELDREDGEHenri Nouwen once asked Mother Teresa for spiritual direction. Spend one hour each day in adoration of your Lord, she said, and never do anything you know is wrong. Follow this and you’ll be fine.
JOHN ELDREDGEFaith looks back and draws courage; hope looks ahead, and keeps desire alive.
JOHN ELDREDGEThere is something about human nature that just doesn’t want to face the reality that we live in two worlds. We live in the physical, material world where we have jobs, read books, and go about our business. And we live in a spiritual world – and that is a world at war.
JOHN ELDREDGEDesire reveals design, and design reveals destiny.
JOHN ELDREDGEAm I really a man? Have I got what it takeswhen it counts?
JOHN ELDREDGEWithout the anticipation of better things ahead, we will have no heart for the journey.