One returns to the place one came from.
Anand Thakur
One returns to the place one came from.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEImitators are a slavish herd and fools in my opinion.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEIf every man works at that for which nature fitted him, the cows will be well tended.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEPeople who make no noise are dangerous.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEAnyone entrusted with power will abuse it if not also animated with the love of truth and virtue, no matter whether he be a prince, or one of the people.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINENothing is so dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is worth more.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEO love, when thou gettest dominion over us, we may bid good-by to prudence.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEWe ought to consider the end in everything.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEImitators are a slavish herd and fools in my opinion.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEBeware, so long as you live, of judging men by their outward appearance.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEA grand comedy in one hundred different acts, On the stage of the universe.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEBe advised that all flatterers live at the expense of those who listen to them.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEBut a rascal of a child (that age is without pity).
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEReligious contention is the devil’s harvest.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEEveryone has his faults which he continually repeats: neither fear nor shame can cure them.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEPatience and time do more than strength or passion.