Never sell the bear’s skin before one has killed the beast.
Anand Thakur
Never sell the bear’s skin before one has killed the beast.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEEveryone has his faults which he continually repeats: neither fear nor shame can cure them.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEA person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEWhat a wonderful thing it is to have a good friend. He identifies your innermost desires, and spares you the embarrassment of disclosing them to him yourself.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEFoxes are all tail, and women all tongue.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEOur destiny is frequently met in the very paths we take to avoid it.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEOne returns to the place one came from.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEWe believe no evil till the evil’s done.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINENeither blows from pitchfork, nor from the lash, can make him change his ways.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEImitators are a slavish herd and fools in my opinion.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINENo favor can win gratitude from a cat.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEIt is double pleasure to deceive the deceiver.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEWe love good looks rather than what is practical, Though good looks may prove destructive.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEPeople must help one another; it is nature’s law.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEBy the work one knows the workman.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEIf you deal with a fox, think of his tricks.