We heed no instincts but our own.
Anand Thakur
We heed no instincts but our own.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEOur condition never satisfies us; the present is always the worst. Though Jupiter should grant his request to each, we should continue to importune him.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEMen of all ages have the same inclinations, over which reason exercises no control. Thus, wherever men are found, there are follies, ay, and the same follies.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEOne returns to the place one came from.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEGentleness succeeds better than violence.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEBut a rascal of a child (that age is without pity).
JEAN DE LA FONTAINERare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINECats know not how to pardon.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEIn this world we must help one another.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEWe are never content with our lot.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEEvery editor of newspapers pays tribute to the devil.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEAlas! we see that the small have always suffered for the follies of the great.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEA person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEAn author spoils everything when he wants too much to do good.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEImitators are a slavish herd and fools in my opinion.
JEAN DE LA FONTAINEFrom a distance it is something; and nearby it is nothing.