Imagination is the hotbed where this sin is too often hatched. Guard your thoughts, and there will be little fear about your actions.
J. C. RYLEMen fall in private long before they fall in public.
More J. C. Ryle Quotes
Better to confess Christ 1000 times now and be despised by men, than be disowned by Christ before God on the day of Judgment.
J. C. RYLE -
To be prayerless is to be without God, without Christ, without grace, without hope, and without heaven.
J. C. RYLE -
A Christian is a walking sermon. They preach far more than a minister does, for they preach all week long.
J. C. RYLE -
Our Lord has many weak children in his family, many dull pupils in his school, many raw soldiers in his army, many lame sheep in his flock. Yet he bears with them all, and casts none away. Happy is that Christian who has learned to do likewise with his brethren.
J. C. RYLE -
Our prayers may be weak, stammering, and poor in our eyes. But if they come from a right heart, God understands them. Such prayers are His delight.
J. C. RYLE -
No one ever reached heaven without repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.
J. C. RYLE -
It costs something to be a true Christian. It will cost us our sins, our self-righteousn ess, our ease and our worldliness.
J. C. RYLE -
Sicknesses, losses, crosses, anxieties and disappointments seem absolutely needful to keep us humble, watchful and spiritual-minde d. They are as needful as the pruning knife to the vine and the refiner’s furnace to the gold.
J. C. RYLE -
Love should be the silver thread that runs through all your conduct.
J. C. RYLE -
What is the best safeguard against false doctrine? The Bible regularly read, regularly prayed over, regularly studied.
J. C. RYLE -
Are you tempted? Look unto Jesus. Are you afflicted? Look unto Jesus. Do all speak evil of you? Look unto Jesus. Do you feel cold, dull, and backsliding? Look unto Jesus.
J. C. RYLE -
Just as the first sign of life in an infant when born into the world is the act of breathing, so the first act of men and women when they are born again is praying.
J. C. RYLE -
Except a man be born again, he will wish one day he had never been born at all.
J. C. RYLE -
God does not look at riches, titles, education, or beauty. There is only one thing that God does look at, and that is the soul.
J. C. RYLE -
Faith is to the soul what life is to the body. Prayer is to faith what breath is to the body. How a person can live and not breathe is past my comprehension, and how a person can believe and not pray is past my comprehension too.