Imagination is the hotbed where this sin is too often hatched. Guard your thoughts, and there will be little fear about your actions.
J. C. RYLEWhat is the best safeguard against false doctrine? The Bible regularly read, regularly prayed over, regularly studied.
More J. C. Ryle Quotes
HATE SIN! Instead of loving it, cleaving to it, excusing it, playing with it, we ought to hate it with a deadly hatred.
J. C. RYLE -
We know but little of true Christianity, if we don’t feel a deep concern about the souls of unconverted people.
J. C. RYLE -
Trials are intended to make us think, to wean us from the world, to send us to the Bible, to drive us to our knees.
J. C. RYLE -
Praying and sinning will never live together in the same heart. Prayer will consume sin, or sin will choke prayer.
J. C. RYLE -
Since Satan can’t destroy the gospel, he has too often neutralized its usefulness by addition, subtraction or substitution.
J. C. RYLE -
There is a common, worldly kind of Christianity in this day, which many have, and think they have enough-a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice-which costs nothing, and is worth nothing.
J. C. RYLE -
God is far more willing to save sinners than sinners are to be saved.
J. C. RYLE -
That preaching is sadly defective which dwells exclusively on the mercies of God and the joys of heaven, yet never sets forth the terrors of the Lord and the miseries of hell.
J. C. RYLE -
If you love Christ, never be ashamed to let others see it and know it. Speak for Him. Witness for Him. Live for Him.
J. C. RYLE -
Prayer needs neither learning, wisdom or book knowledge to begin it. It needs nothing but heart and will.
J. C. RYLE -
Let us seek friends that will stir up our prayers, our Bible reading, our use of time, and our salvation.
J. C. RYLE -
Better to confess Christ 1000 times now and be despised by men, than be disowned by Christ before God on the day of Judgment.
J. C. RYLE -
God does not look at riches, titles, education, or beauty. There is only one thing that God does look at, and that is the soul.
J. C. RYLE -
The only way to be really happy in such a world as this, is to be ever casting all our cares on God.
J. C. RYLE -
Do not glory in your own faith, your own feelings, your own knowledge, or your own diligence. Glory in nothing but Christ.