A Christian is a walking sermon. They preach far more than a minister does, for they preach all week long.
J. C. RYLEWherever we may be, or whatever our circumstances, the Lord Jesus sees them. We are never beyond the reach of His care.
More J. C. Ryle Quotes
Let us never forget that our chief danger is from within. The world and the devil combined, cannot do us as much harm as our own hearts will, if we do not watch and pray.
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The only way to be really happy in such a world as this, is to be ever casting all our cares on God.
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God is far more willing to save sinners than sinners are to be saved.
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Let us read our Bibles reverently and diligently, with an honest determination to believe and practice all we find in them.
J. C. RYLE -
If you love Christ, never be ashamed to let others see it and know it. Speak for Him. Witness for Him. Live for Him.
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Sin forsaken is one of the best evidences of sin forgiven.
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Obedience is the only reality. It is faith visible, faith acting, and faith manifest. It is the test of real discipleship among the Lord’s people.
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Let your Christianity be so unmistakable, your eye so single, your heart so whole, your walk so straightforward, that all who see you may have no doubt whose you are, and whom you serve.
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We can never make too much of Christ. He is worthy of all the honor that we can give Him.
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No time is so well spent in every day as that which we spend upon our knees.
J. C. RYLE -
The Word of God is ROCK. All else is sand.
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Let us cleave to Christ more closely, love Him more heartily, live to Him more thoroughly, copy Him more exactly, confess Him more boldly, and follow Him more fully.
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That preaching is sadly defective which dwells exclusively on the mercies of God and the joys of heaven, yet never sets forth the terrors of the Lord and the miseries of hell.
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There is only one door, one bridge, one ladder, between earth and heaven – the crucified Son of God.
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Trials are intended to make us think, to wean us from the world, to send us to the Bible, to drive us to our knees.