I have never seen fundamental improvements imposed from the top by ordinances and laws.
IDA TARBELLI have never seen fundamental improvements imposed from the top by ordinances and laws.
IDA TARBELLI came then to a conviction that has never left me: that there is too much for me to attend to in this mortal life without overspeculation on the immortal, that it is not necessary to my peace of mind or to my effort to be a decent and useful person, to have a definite assurance about the affairs of the next world.
IDA TARBELLThe first and most imperative necessity in war is money, for money means everything else — men, guns, ammunition.
IDA TARBELLIt’s always a revolution, you know, when things occur of which you have never happened to hear!
IDA TARBELLMy final comment is that I still believe this man [John D. Rockefeller] is corrupt and he used unfair ways to become wealthy, all he cared about was his money and wasn’t considered.
IDA TARBELLTo denumb the creative impulse above all else essential to the vitality and growth of democratic ideals.
IDA TARBELLThere is no more effective medicine to apply to feverish public sentiments than figures.
IDA TARBELLThe athlete who abuses the rules, receives, we shall have gone a long way toward making commerce a fit pursuit for our young men.
IDA TARBELLMany men ridicule the idea that it can be scientifically handled. They tell us the unemployed have always been with us, and always must be. It is the oldest reason in the world for tolerating injustice and misery.
IDA TARBELLHe can choose the fair and open path, the path which sound ethics, sound democracy, and the common law prescribe, or choose the secret way by which he can get the better of his fellow man.
IDA TARBELLWe are a commercial people. We cannot boast of our arts, our crafts, our cultivation; our boast is in the wealth we produce.
IDA TARBELLThe whole force of the respectable circles to which I belonged, that respectable circle which knew as I did not the value of security won, the slender chance of replacing it if lost or abandoned, was against me.
IDA TARBELLA mind which really lays hold of a subject is not easily detached from it.
IDA TARBELLThe only reason I am glad I am a woman is because I will not have to marry one.
IDA TARBELLI wanted the people to know the truth about the Standard Oil Company.
IDA TARBELLMy whole theory for the improvement of society is based on a belief in the discipline and the education of the individual to self-control and right doing, for the sake of right doing.