Healing in a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
HIPPOCRATESTime is that wherein there is opportunity, and opportunity is that wherein there is no great time.
More Hippocrates Quotes
First of all a natural talent is required; for when Nature opposes, everything else is in vain; but when Nature leads the way to what is most excellent, instruction in the art takes place.
Divine is the task to relieve pain
And if incision of the temple is made on the left, spasm seizes the parts on the right, while if the incision is on the right, spasm seizes the parts on the left.
The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and a scented massage every day.
The art has three factors, the disease, the patient, the physician. The physician is the servant of the art. The patient must cooperate with the physician in combatting the disease.
Cure sometimes, treat often, comfort always.
Where there is love of medicine, there is love of humankind.
Sometimes give your services for nothing.
The patient must combat the disease along with the physician.
To really know is science; to merely believe you know is ignorance.
If for the sake of a crowded audience you do wish to hold a lecture, your ambition is no laudable one, and at least avoid all citations from the poets, for to quote them argues feeble industry.
If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.
The combination of these two things makes regimen, when proper attention is given to the season of the year, the changes of the wind, the age of the individual, and the situation of his home. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick.
I swear… to hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture.
I also maintain that clear knowledge of natural science must be acquired, in the first instance, through mastery of medicine alone.