There are, in effect, two things, to know and to believe one knows; to know is science; to believe one knows is ignorance.
HIPPOCRATESAnyone wishing to study medicine must master the art of massage.
More Hippocrates Quotes
All diseases begin in the gut.
Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm.
I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients, and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous.
Each of the substances of a man’s diet acts upon his body and changes it in some way and upon these changes his whole life depends.
Who could have foretold, from the structure of the brain, that wine could derange its functions?
Time is that wherein there is opportunity, and opportunity is that wherein there is no great time.
About medications that are drunk or applied to wounds it is worth learning from everyone; for people do not discover these by reasoning but by chance, and experts not more than laymen.
In all abundance there is lack.
Life is short, art long, opportunity fleeting, experiment uncertain, and judgment difficult.
We must turn to nature itself, to the observations of the body in health and in disease to learn the truth.
I have clearly recorded this: for one can learn good lessons also from what has been tried but clearly has not succeeded, when it is clear why it has not succeeded.
An insolent reply from a polite person is a bad sign.
Whenever a doctor cannot do good, he must be kept from doing harm.
The dignity of a physician requires that he should look healthy, and as plump as nature intended him to be; for the common crowd consider those who are not of this excellent bodily condition to be unable to take care of themselves.
The physician must have at his command a certain ready wit, as dourness is repulsive both to the healthy and the sick.