The natural force within each of us is that greatest healer of all.
HIPPOCRATESWherefore the heart and the diaphragm are particularly sensitive, they have nothing to do, however, with the operations of the understanding, but of all these the brain is the cause.
More Hippocrates Quotes
For where there is love of man, there is also love of the art.
To really know is science; to merely believe you know is ignorance.
I also maintain that clear knowledge of natural science must be acquired, in the first instance, through mastery of medicine alone.
Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.
Silence is not only never thirsty, but also never brings pain or sorrow.
Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession,
That which is used – develops. That which is not used wastes away.
There are in fact two things, science and opinion. The former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance.
Look well to the spine for the cause of disease.
War is the only proper school of the surgeon.
Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.
Male and female have the power to fuse into one solid, both because both are nourished in both and also because soul is the same thing in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.
The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.
Fat people who want to reduce should take their exercise on an empty stomach and sit down to their food out of breath…. Thin people who want to get fat should do exactly the opposite and never take exercise on an empty stomach.
He who wishes to be a surgeon should go to war.