And if this were so in all cases, the principle would be established, that sometimes conditions can be treated by things opposite to those from which they arose, and sometimes by things like to those from which they arose.
HIPPOCRATESWalking is man’s best medicine.
More Hippocrates Quotes
The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.
If for the sake of a crowded audience you do wish to hold a lecture, your ambition is no laudable one, and at least avoid all citations from the poets, for to quote them argues feeble industry.
Healing in a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.
The combination of these two things makes regimen, when proper attention is given to the season of the year, the changes of the wind, the age of the individual, and the situation of his home. If there is any deficiency in food or exercise, the body will fall sick.
Extreme remedies are very appropriate for extreme diseases.
We must turn to nature itself, to the observations of the body in health and in disease to learn the truth.
Life is short, and the Art long; the occasion fleeting; experience fallacious, and judgment difficult. The physician must not only be prepared to do what is right himself, but also to make the patient, the attendants, and externals cooperate.
It is better not to apply any treatment in cases of occult cancer; for if treated (by surgery), the patients die quickly; but if not treated, they hold out for a long time.
Life is short, the art long.
Male and female have the power to fuse into one solid, both because both are nourished in both and because soul is the same thing in all living creatures, although the body of each is different.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food.
Opposites are cures for opposites.
Everyone has a doctor in him or her; we just have to help it in its work. The natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine. Our medicine should be our food. But to eat when you are sick, is to feed your sickness.
Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.