Of all possessions a friend is the most precious.
HERODOTUSA woman takes off her claim to respect along with her garments.
More Herodotus Quotes
It is sound planning that invariably earns us the outcome we want; without it, even the gods are unlikely to look with favour on our designs.
One should always look to the end of everything, how it will finally come out. For the god has shown blessedness to many only to overturn them utterly in the end.
Men trust their ears less than their eyes.
It is the gods’ custom to bring low all things of surpassing greatness.
The man of affluence is not in fact more happy than the possessor of a bare competency, unless, in addition to his wealth, the end of his life be fortunate. We often see misery dwelling in the midst of splendour, whilst real happiness is found in humbler stations.
But if you know that you are a man too, and that even such are those that rule, learn this first of all: that all human affairs are a wheel which, as it turns, does not allow the same men always to be fortunate.
In soft regions are born soft men.
The gods loves to punish whatever is greater than the rest.
The Colchians, Ethiopians and Egyptians have thick lips, broad nose, woolly hair and they are burnt of skin.
It is clear that not in one thing alone, but in many ways equality and freedom of speech are a good thing.
The period of a [Persian] boy’s education is between the ages of five and twenty, and he is taught three things only: to ride, to use the bow, and to speak the truth.
As the old saw says well: every end does not appear together with its beginning. It’s impossible for someone who is human to have all good things together, just as there is no single country able to provide all good things for itself.
The sun will not shine on any country that has borders with ours.
The trials of living and the pangs of disease make even the short span of life too long.
If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it.