But if you know that you are a man too, and that even such are those that rule, learn this first of all: that all human affairs are a wheel which, as it turns, does not allow the same men always to be fortunate.
HERODOTUSHow much better a thing it is to be envied than to be pitied.
More Herodotus Quotes
The man who has planned badly, if fortune is on his side, may have had a stroke of luck; but his plan was a bad one nonetheless.
The man of affluence is not in fact more happy than the possessor of a bare competency, unless, in addition to his wealth, the end of his life be fortunate. We often see misery dwelling in the midst of splendour, whilst real happiness is found in humbler stations.
But I like not these great successes of yours; for I know how jealous are the gods.
The gods loves to punish whatever is greater than the rest.
It [Egypt] has more wonders in it than any other country in the world and provides more works that defy description than any otherplace.
Love of honor is a very shady sort of possession.
Great deeds are usually wrought at great risks.
Great things are won by great dangers.
Many exceedingly rich men are unhappy, but many middling circumstances are fortunate.
A multitude of rulers is not a good thing. Let there be one ruler, one king.
Envy is so natural to human kind, that it cannot but arise.
A woman takes off her claim to respect along with her garments.
When life is so burdensome death has become a sought after refuge.
I am bound to tell what I am told, but not in every case to believe it.
My men have become women, but the women men.