Envy is so natural to human kind, that it cannot but arise.
HERODOTUSThe secret of success is that it is not the absence of failure, but the absence of envy.
More Herodotus Quotes
It is better to be envied than pitied.
The period of a [Persian] boy’s education is between the ages of five and twenty, and he is taught three things only: to ride, to use the bow, and to speak the truth.
Illness strikes men when they are exposed to change.
If you have two loaves of bread, keep one to nourish the body, but sell the other to buy hyacinths for the soul.
Let there be nothing untried; for nothing happens by itself, but men obtain all things by trying.
Haste in every business brings failures.
But if you know that you are a man too, and that even such are those that rule, learn this first of all: that all human affairs are a wheel which, as it turns, does not allow the same men always to be fortunate.
But I like not these great successes of yours; for I know how jealous are the gods.
He is the best man who, when making his plans, fears and reflects on everything that can happen to him, but in the moment of action is bold.
In peace sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature, and fathers bury sons.
Great deeds are usually wrought at great risks.
I know that human happiness never remains long in the same place.
All men’s gains are the fruit of venturing.
Love of honor is a very shady sort of possession.
I never yet feared those men who set a place apart in the middle of their cities where they gather to cheat one another and swear oaths which they break.