But this I know: if all mankind were to take their troubles to market with the idea of exchanging them, anyone seeing what his neighbor’s troubles were like would be glad to go home with his own.
HERODOTUSOne should always look to the end of everything, how it will finally come out. For the god has shown blessedness to many only to overturn them utterly in the end.
More Herodotus Quotes
All men’s gains are the fruit of venturing.
These ‘messengers’ will not be hindered from accomplishing at their best speed the distance which they have to go, either by snow, or rain, or heat, or by the darkness of night.
How much better a thing it is to be envied than to be pitied.
Haste in every business brings failures.
Before a man dies, hold back and call him not happy but lucky.
But if you know that you are a man too, and that even such are those that rule, learn this first of all: that all human affairs are a wheel which, as it turns, does not allow the same men always to be fortunate.
Adversity has the effect of drawing out strength and qualities of a man that would have laid dormant in its absence.
Some give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than ever before.
Civil strife is as much a greater evil than a concerted war effort as war itself is worse than peace.
If you have two loaves of bread, keep one to nourish the body, but sell the other to buy hyacinths for the soul.
My men have become women, but the women men.
As the old saw says well: every end does not appear together with its beginning. It’s impossible for someone who is human to have all good things together, just as there is no single country able to provide all good things for itself.
The secret of success is that it is not the absence of failure, but the absence of envy.
The king’s might is greater than human, and his arm is very long.
It is the gods’ custom to bring low all things of surpassing greatness.