But this I know: if all mankind were to take their troubles to market with the idea of exchanging them, anyone seeing what his neighbor’s troubles were like would be glad to go home with his own.
HERODOTUSSome give up their designs when they have almost reached the goal; while others, on the contrary, obtain a victory by exerting, at the last moment, more vigorous efforts than ever before.
More Herodotus Quotes
Love of honor is a very shady sort of possession.
Happiness is not fame or riches or heroic virtues, but a state that will inspire posterity to think in reflecting upon our life, that it was the life they would wish to live.
Call no man happy before he dies.
It is better to be envied than pitied.
My men have become women, but the women men.
Good masters generally have bad slaves, and bad slaves have good masters.
One should always look to the end of everything, how it will finally come out. For the god has shown blessedness to many only to overturn them utterly in the end.
A woman takes off her claim to respect along with her garments.
Haste in every business brings failures.
We are less convinced by what we hear than by what we see.
Unless a variety of opinions are laid before us, we have no opportunity of selection, but are bound of necessity to adopt the particular view which may have been brought forward.
He is the best man who, when making his plans, fears and reflects on everything that can happen to him, but in the moment of action is bold.
The trials of living and the pangs of disease make even the short span of life too long.
The period of a [Persian] boy’s education is between the ages of five and twenty, and he is taught three things only: to ride, to use the bow, and to speak the truth.
The wooden wall alone should remain unconquered.