I never yet feared those men who set a place apart in the middle of their cities where they gather to cheat one another and swear oaths which they break.
HERODOTUSThe ear is a less trustworthy witness than the eye.
More Herodotus Quotes
Those who are guided by reason are generally successful in their plans; those who are rash and precipitate seldom enjoy the favour of the gods.
Adversity has the effect of drawing out strength and qualities of a man that would have laid dormant in its absence.
The ear is a less trustworthy witness than the eye.
Haste in every business brings failures.
In peace sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature, and fathers bury sons.
The worst pain a man can have is to know much and be impotent to act.
The trials of living and the pangs of disease make even the short span of life too long.
All men’s gains are the fruit of venturing.
The man of affluence is not in fact more happy than the possessor of a bare competency, unless, in addition to his wealth, the end of his life be fortunate. We often see misery dwelling in the midst of splendour, whilst real happiness is found in humbler stations.
As the old saw says well: every end does not appear together with its beginning.
Good masters generally have bad slaves, and bad slaves have good masters.
Force has no place where there is need of skill.
We are less convinced by what we hear than by what we see.
Very few things happen at the right time, and the rest do not happen at all. The conscientious historian will correct these defects.
When life is so burdensome death has become a sought after refuge.