All men have the capacity of knowing themselves and acting with moderation.
HERACLITUSA man’s character is his fate.
More Heraclitus Quotes
Day by day, what you do is who you become.
If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is hard to be sought out and difficult.
History is a child building a sandcastle by the sea, and that child is the whole majesty of man’s power in the world.
Whoever cannot seek the unforeseen sees nothing for the known way is an impasse.
Lifetime is a child at play, moving pieces in a game. Kingship belongs to the child.
If you do not hope, you will not win that which is not hoped for, since it is unattainable and inaccessible.
War is father of all, and king of all. He renders some gods, others men; he makes some slaves, others free.
Big results require big ambitions.
Knowledge of divine things for the most part is lost to us by incredulity.
To do the same thing over and over again is not only boredom: it is to be controlled by rather than to control what you do.
Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.
Mortals are immortals and immortals are mortals, the one living the others’ death and dying the others’ life.
The best people renounce all for one goal, the eternal fame of mortals; but most people stuff themselves like cattle.
The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts.
It is hard to contend against one’s heart’s desire; for whatever it wishes to have it buys at the cost of soul.