Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back.

Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings we can never get back.
HARUKI MURAKAMIListen up – there’s no war that will end all wars.
HARUKI MURAKAMIUnfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. The past increases, the future recedes. Possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting.
HARUKI MURAKAMII was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it – to be fed so much love I couldn’t take any more. Just once.
HARUKI MURAKAMII’m a writer. I don’t support any war. That’s my principle.
HARUKI MURAKAMINobody likes being alone that much. I don’t go out of my way to make friends, that’s all. It just leads to disappointment.
HARUKI MURAKAMIA fortunate author can write maybe twelve novels in his lifetime.
HARUKI MURAKAMII don’t think of myself as an artist. I’m just a guy who can write.
HARUKI MURAKAMISometimes fate is like a small sandstorm that keeps changing directions.
HARUKI MURAKAMII don’t know how many good books I still have in me; I hope there are another four or five.
HARUKI MURAKAMIAmong the many values in life, I appreciate freedom most.
HARUKI MURAKAMII dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only right thing to do.
HARUKI MURAKAMIIf you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets.
HARUKI MURAKAMIThere’s no such thing as perfect writing, just like there’s no such thing as perfect despair.
HARUKI MURAKAMIYou can hide memories, but you can’t erase the history that produced them.
HARUKI MURAKAMIAnyone who falls in love is searching for the missing pieces of themselves. So anyone who’s in love gets sad when they think of their lover. It’s like stepping back inside a room you have fond memories of, one you haven’t seen in a long time.