There is no pleasure without a tincture of bitterness.
HAFEZLaugh because that is the purest sound.
More Hafez Quotes
Not loving is a letting go. Listen, The terrain around here Is Far too Dangerous For That.
If, like the prophet Noah, you have patience in the distress of the flood, Calamity turns aside, and the desire of a thousand years comes forth.
I am happy even before I have a reason.
People say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song.
Woe to the dupe that yields to Fate!
Grieve not; though the journey of life be bitter, and the end unseen, there is no road which does not lead to an end.
Learn to recognize the counterfeit coins that may buy you just a moment of pleasure, But then drag you for days like a broken man behind a farting camel.
I do not feel like writing verses; but as I light my perfume burner with myrrh and jasmine incense, they suddenly burgeon from my heart, like flowers in a garden.
We don’t need sugar, flour or rice or anything else. We just want to see our dear ones.
Sing because this is a food our starving world needs. Laugh because that is the purest sound.
There is an ambush everywhere from the army of accidents; therefore the rider of life runs with loosened reins.
The world is a bride of surpassing beauty-but remember that this maiden is never bound to anyone.
Come Dance with Me , come dance.
I long for You so much I follow barefoot Your frozen tracks That are high in the mountains That I know are years old. I long for You so much I have even begun to travel Where I have never been before.
The lips of the one I love are my perpetual pleasure.