I know you have a hundred complex cases against God in court, but never mind, let’s just get out of this mess.
HAFEZPeople say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song.
More Hafez Quotes
I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through. Listen to this music.
I know the way you can get / When you have not had a drink of Love: / Your face hardens, / Your sweet muscles cramp. / Children become concerned / About a strange look that appears in your eyes / Which even begins to worry your own mirror / And nose.
Now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred Now is the time for you to deeply compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace.
Come, for the House of Hope is built on sand: bring wine, for the fabric of life is as weak as the wind.
Now is the time to understand That all your ideas of right and wrong Were just a child’s training wheels to be laid aside When you finally live With veracity And love.
We have come into this exquisite world to experience ever and ever more deeply our divine courage, freedom and light!
Laugh because that is the purest sound.
Your separation from God is the hardest work you will ever do.
Speak but little, and that little only when thy own purposes require it. Heaven has given thee two ears but only one tongue, which means: listen to two things, but be not the first to propose one.
This sky where we live is no place to lose your wings so love, love, love.
Your love Should never be offered to the mouth of a Stranger, Only to someone Who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife Then weave them into a blanket To protect you.
I once asked a bird, how is it that you fly in this gravity of darkness? She responded, ‘love lifts me.’
God and I have built an immense fire together. We keep each other happy and warm.
Start seeing everything as God, But keep it a secret.
I am happy even before I have a reason.