Happiness is right in front of you.
HAFEZGod disguised as myriad things, and playing a game of tag has kissed you and said, “You’re it. I mean you’re really it. Now it does not matter what you believe or feel. For something wonderful, something major-league wonderful, is someday going to happen.”
More Hafez Quotes
An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.
I am in love with every church And mosque And temple And any kind of shrine Because I know it is there That people say the different names Of the One God.
The small man builds cages for everyone he knows While the sage, who has to duck his head when the moon is low, Keeps dropping keys all night long For the beautiful rowdy prisoners.
Oh, you who are trying to learn the marvel of Love through the copy book of reason, I’m very much afraid that you will never really see the point.
Learn to recognize the counterfeit coins that may buy you just a moment of pleasure, But then drag you for days like a broken man behind a farting camel.
This sky where we live is no place to lose your wings so love, love, love.
Love sometimes wants to do us a great favor: hold us upside down and shake all the nonsense out.
Dear Ones, Beware of the tiny gods frightened men Create To bring anesthetic relief to their sad days.
Light will someday split you open.
Laugh because that is the purest sound.
I once asked a bird, how is it that you fly in this gravity of darkness? She responded, ‘love lifts me.’
When no one is looking, I swallow deserts and clouds and chew on mountains knowing they are sweet bones! When no one is looking and I want to kiss God, I just lift my own hand to my mouth.
Now is the time to understand That all your ideas of right and wrong Were just a child’s training wheels to be laid aside When you finally live With veracity And love.
Now that all your worry has proved such an unlucrative business. Why not find a better job.
How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all of its beauty? It felt the encouragement of Light against its being; otherwise we all remain too frightened.