Sing because this is a food our starving world needs. Laugh because that is the purest sound.
HAFEZThe Truth has shared so much of Itself with me That I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, Or even pure Soul.
More Hafez Quotes
You have actually waltzed with tremendous style, my sweet, O my sweet, crushed angel.
There is no pleasure without a tincture of bitterness.
Run my dear, from anything that may not strengthen your precious budding wings. Run like hell my dear, from anyone likely to put a sharp knife into the sacred, tender vision of your beautiful heart.
The tide of my love Has risen so high let me flood over You.
I am happy even before I have a reason.
On the holy boughs of the Celestial Tree High up in the heavenly fields, Beyond terrestrial desire My soul-bird a warm nest has built.
Now that all your worry has proved such an unlucrative business. Why not find a better job.
Start seeing everything as God, But keep it a secret.
Speak but little, and that little only when thy own purposes require it. Heaven has given thee two ears but only one tongue, which means: listen to two things, but be not the first to propose one.
For a day, just for one day, talk about that which disturbs no one and bring some peace into those beautiful eyes.
Grieve not; though the journey of life be bitter, and the end unseen, there is no road which does not lead to an end.
How Do I Listen to others? As if everyone were my Master Speaking to me His Cherished Last Words.
Now is the time to understand That all your ideas of right and wrong Were just a child’s training wheels to be laid aside When you finally live With veracity And love.
Your separation from God is the hardest work you will ever do.
I caught the happy virus last night When I was out singing beneath the stars. It is remarkably contagious – So kiss me.