I rarely let the word NO escape from my mouth, because it is so plain to my soul that God has shouted, Yes! Yes! Yes! To every luminous movement in existence.
HAFEZIn time of trouble avert not thy face from hope, for the soft marrow abideth in the hard bone.
More Hafez Quotes
The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me That I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, Or even pure Soul.
Happiness is right in front of you.
God and I have built an immense fire together. We keep each other happy and warm.
How seek the way which leadeth to our wishes? By renouncing our wishes. The crown of excellence is renunciation.
It is written on the gate of heaven: Nothing in existence is more powerful than destiny. And destiny brought you here, to this page, which is part of your ticket-as all things are-to return to God.
God disguised as myriad things, and playing a game of tag has kissed you and said, “You’re it. I mean you’re really it. Now it does not matter what you believe or feel. For something wonderful, something major-league wonderful, is someday going to happen.”
Sing because this is a food our starving world needs. Laugh because that is the purest sound.
I caught the happy virus last night When I was out singing beneath the stars. It is remarkably contagious – So kiss me.
Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.
The great religions are the ships, Poets the life boats. Every sane person I know has jumped overboard.
Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.
Fear is the cheapest room in the house.
Now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred.
Light will someday split you open.
Everyone, whether he is self-denying or self-indulgent, is seeking after the Beloved. Every place may be the shrine of love, whether it be mosque or synagogue.