In time of trouble avert not thy face from hope, for the soft marrow abideth in the hard bone.
HAFEZYour love Should never be offered to the mouth of a Stranger, Only to someone Who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife Then weave them into a blanket To protect you.
More Hafez Quotes
Grieve not because thou understand-not life’s mystery; behind the veil is concealed many a delight.
I am a hole in a flute that the Christ’s breath moves through. Listen to this music.
For I have learned that every heart will get What it prays for Most.
Your love Should never be offered to the mouth of a Stranger, Only to someone Who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife Then weave them into a blanket To protect you.
Be kind to your sleeping heart. Take it out into the vast fields of light…And let it breathe.
We are People who need to love, because Love is the soul’s life, Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.
The Truth has shared so much of Itself with me That I can no longer call myself A man, a woman, an angel, Or even pure Soul.
Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.
Happiness is right in front of you.
Now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred Now is the time for you to deeply compute the impossibility that there is anything but grace.
Speak but little, and that little only when thy own purposes require it. Heaven has given thee two ears but only one tongue, which means: listen to two things, but be not the first to propose one.
It is not easy to stop thinking ill of others.Usually one must enter into a friendship with a person who has accomplished that great feat himself.Then something might start to rub off on you of that true elegance.
Only a Perfect One who is always laughing at the word two can make you know of Love.
Now that all your worry has proved such an unlucrative business. Why not find a better job.
Listen; this world is the lunatic’s sphere , Don’t always agree it’s real, Even with my feet upon it And the postman knowing my door My address is somewhere else.