One regret dear world, that I am determined not to have when I am lying on my deathbed is that I did not kiss you enough.
HAFEZRun my dear, From anything, That may not strengthen, Your precious budding wings.
More Hafez Quotes
The small man builds cages for everyone he knows While the sage, who has to duck his head when the moon is low, Keeps dropping keys all night long For the beautiful rowdy prisoners.
Be content with what thou hast received, and smooth thy frowning forehead, for the door of choice is not open either to thee or me.
I should not make any promises right now, But I know if you Pray Somewhere in this world – Something good will happen.
Oh, you who are trying to learn the marvel of Love through the copy book of reason, I’m very much afraid that you will never really see the point.
Now that all your worry has proved such an unlucrative business. Why not find a better job.
People say that the soul, on hearing the song of creation, entered the body, but in reality the soul itself was the song.
Everyone Is God speaking. Why not be polite and Listen to Him?
I once asked a bird, how is it that you fly in this gravity of darkness? She responded, ‘love lifts me.’
True art awakens the Extraordinary Ovation.
Laugh because that is the purest sound.
God disguised as myriad things, and playing a game of tag has kissed you and said, “You’re it. I mean you’re really it. Now it does not matter what you believe or feel. For something wonderful, something major-league wonderful, is someday going to happen.”
The lips of the one I love are my perpetual pleasure.
The great religions are the ships, Poets the life boats. Every sane person I know has jumped overboard.
Listen; this world is the lunatic’s sphere , Don’t always agree it’s real, Even with my feet upon it And the postman knowing my door My address is somewhere else.
Join me in the pure atmosphere of gratitude for life.