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  • George Saunders Quote - For me, when I’m coming up to a place where I have to make somebody up, it’s almost like driving and taking your hands off the wheel. Download This Image
  • George Saunders Quote - For me, when I’m coming up to a place where I have to make somebody up, it’s almost like driving and taking your hands off the wheel.
  • George Saunders Quote - For me, when I’m coming up to a place where I have to make somebody up, it’s almost like driving and taking your hands off the wheel.
  • George Saunders Quote - For me, when I’m coming up to a place where I have to make somebody up, it’s almost like driving and taking your hands off the wheel.
  • George Saunders Quote - For me, when I’m coming up to a place where I have to make somebody up, it’s almost like driving and taking your hands off the wheel.
  • George Saunders Quote - For me, when I’m coming up to a place where I have to make somebody up, it’s almost like driving and taking your hands off the wheel.
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For me, when I’m coming up to a place where I have to make somebody up, it’s almost like driving and taking your hands off the wheel.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I always describe writing a story as throwing bowling pins in the air and then catching them. Download This Image

    I always describe writing a story as throwing bowling pins in the air and then catching them.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - Reading is a form of prayer, a guided meditation that briefly makes us believe we’re someone else, disrupting the delusion that we’re permanent and at the center of the universe. Suddenly (we’re saved!) other people are real again, and we’re fond of them.

    Reading is a form of prayer, a guided meditation that briefly makes us believe we’re someone else, disrupting the delusion that we’re permanent and at the center of the universe. Suddenly (we’re saved!) other people are real again, and we’re fond of them.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - America, to me, should be shouting all the time, a bunch of shouting voices, most of them wrong, some of them nuts, but please, not just one droning glamourous reasonable voice. Download This Image

    America, to me, should be shouting all the time, a bunch of shouting voices, most of them wrong, some of them nuts, but please, not just one droning glamourous reasonable voice.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - Chekhov – shall I be blunt? – is the greatest short story writer who ever lived. Download This Image

    Chekhov – shall I be blunt? – is the greatest short story writer who ever lived.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I am always considering the reader. Although this is admittedly kind of odd: Which reader? On what day? In what mood? For me, that “reader” is actually just me, if I had never read the story before. Download This Image

    I am always considering the reader. Although this is admittedly kind of odd: Which reader? On what day? In what mood? For me, that “reader” is actually just me, if I had never read the story before.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - The other thing that’s useful for me is this notion of the absolute versus the relative:if we walk out and it’s a beautiful morning, it’s only a beautiful morning because we don’t have a broken leg or hemorrhoids or something.

    The other thing that’s useful for me is this notion of the absolute versus the relative:if we walk out and it’s a beautiful morning, it’s only a beautiful morning because we don’t have a broken leg or hemorrhoids or something.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - The one thing about A Christmas Carol that always bothers me is that Cratchit is so sweet and perfect. He’s like an Ivy League kid who just is labeled “poor.” He doesn’t have any bad habits. He’s never cranky with his kids. Download This Image

    The one thing about A Christmas Carol that always bothers me is that Cratchit is so sweet and perfect. He’s like an Ivy League kid who just is labeled “poor.” He doesn’t have any bad habits. He’s never cranky with his kids.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I think kindness is a sort of gateway virtue – having that simple aspiration can get you into deep water very quickly – in a good way. Download This Image

    I think kindness is a sort of gateway virtue – having that simple aspiration can get you into deep water very quickly – in a good way.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - Success makes opportunities and so many of those “opportunities” are actually exemptions – from hardship, from unfriendliness, from struggle.

    Success makes opportunities and so many of those “opportunities” are actually exemptions – from hardship, from unfriendliness, from struggle.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - My go-to default is to try to be nice, which I feel does less harm in the long run than trying to be, say, assertive. If I am nice and maybe too passive, I find that easier to live with. Download This Image

    My go-to default is to try to be nice, which I feel does less harm in the long run than trying to be, say, assertive. If I am nice and maybe too passive, I find that easier to live with.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I’m turning 58, and you get that kind of weird, old-guy feeling of you don’t have an infinite number of years left and if there’s anything you want to say or represent, it’s time to try it. Download This Image

    I’m turning 58, and you get that kind of weird, old-guy feeling of you don’t have an infinite number of years left and if there’s anything you want to say or represent, it’s time to try it.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - The idea is that what an artist lives through should broaden his notion of what it is possible for a human being to live through, and that new understanding should then get into and expand the work.

    The idea is that what an artist lives through should broaden his notion of what it is possible for a human being to live through, and that new understanding should then get into and expand the work.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - Early on, a story’s meaning and rationale seem pretty obvious, but then, as I write it, I realize that I know the meaning/rationale too well, which means that the reader will also know it – and so things have to be ramped up.

    Early on, a story’s meaning and rationale seem pretty obvious, but then, as I write it, I realize that I know the meaning/rationale too well, which means that the reader will also know it – and so things have to be ramped up.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - If I find myself being too earnest and sentimental and hyperbolic and simplistic, which is definitely a tendency I have, then I bring in this perverse henchman. Download This Image

    If I find myself being too earnest and sentimental and hyperbolic and simplistic, which is definitely a tendency I have, then I bring in this perverse henchman.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I’ve always wanted to write energetic, atypical sentences, i.e., sentences that were not normal or bland. Download This Image

    I’ve always wanted to write energetic, atypical sentences, i.e., sentences that were not normal or bland.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I understand what something short should be like. I understand beauty in that form. If I start extending, somehow I kind of lose my bearings. Download This Image

    I understand what something short should be like. I understand beauty in that form. If I start extending, somehow I kind of lose my bearings.