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  • George Saunders Quote - An artist’s job is to be interested in things as they are.
  • George Saunders Quote - An artist’s job is to be interested in things as they are.
  • George Saunders Quote - An artist’s job is to be interested in things as they are.
  • George Saunders Quote - An artist’s job is to be interested in things as they are.
  • George Saunders Quote - An artist’s job is to be interested in things as they are.
  • George Saunders Quote - An artist’s job is to be interested in things as they are.
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An artist’s job is to be interested in things as they are.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - Positive human action is not only possible, but pervasive; human beings can improve and choose light and so on. And this is all happening. Download This Image

    Positive human action is not only possible, but pervasive; human beings can improve and choose light and so on. And this is all happening.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - As a writer I’m essentially just trying to impersonate a first-time reader, who picks up the story and has to decide, at every point, whether to keep going.

    As a writer I’m essentially just trying to impersonate a first-time reader, who picks up the story and has to decide, at every point, whether to keep going.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - Anyone can be shamed, but feeling guilt requires empathy within.

    Anyone can be shamed, but feeling guilt requires empathy within.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - When somebody you’ve known for 20 years, and with whom you have a full context, winks at you or whatever, it can be huge. I think in a sense what you’re trying to re-create in fiction is that. Download This Image

    When somebody you’ve known for 20 years, and with whom you have a full context, winks at you or whatever, it can be huge. I think in a sense what you’re trying to re-create in fiction is that.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I was trained in seismic prospecting. We’d drill a deep hole and put dynamite in the bottom and blow it up remotely, which would give you a cross-sectional picture of the subsurface, which tells you where to drill. Download This Image

    I was trained in seismic prospecting. We’d drill a deep hole and put dynamite in the bottom and blow it up remotely, which would give you a cross-sectional picture of the subsurface, which tells you where to drill.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I do find the values in A Christmas Carol significant. It is important not to be mean and stingy and not to give up love for money.

    I do find the values in A Christmas Carol significant. It is important not to be mean and stingy and not to give up love for money.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - The great American denial riff is that you can do whatever you like and you always triumph at the end. The world is saying no, you can do what you like, but there are consequences. And maturity is to be able to turn to the consequences and accept them.

    The great American denial riff is that you can do whatever you like and you always triumph at the end. The world is saying no, you can do what you like, but there are consequences. And maturity is to be able to turn to the consequences and accept them.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - The one thing I noticed retroactively was that the energy at those Trump rallies was off the charts compared to the Hillary Clinton rallies. The Bernie Sanders energy was as good, gentler, but there was a real passion there.

    The one thing I noticed retroactively was that the energy at those Trump rallies was off the charts compared to the Hillary Clinton rallies. The Bernie Sanders energy was as good, gentler, but there was a real passion there.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - Twitter is a deliberate abstention. Somehow I hate the idea of there always being, in the back of my mind, this little voice saying: ‘Oh, I should tweet about this.’ Download This Image

    Twitter is a deliberate abstention. Somehow I hate the idea of there always being, in the back of my mind, this little voice saying: ‘Oh, I should tweet about this.’

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I love story-writing because I can (more or less, on occasion) actually DO it. That’s really the truth. I like the idea that a story is sort of a site for making cool language effects – a site for celebrating language, and, therefore, the world. Download This Image

    I love story-writing because I can (more or less, on occasion) actually DO it. That’s really the truth. I like the idea that a story is sort of a site for making cool language effects – a site for celebrating language, and, therefore, the world.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - When something really bad is going on in a culture, the average guy doesn’t see it. He can’t. He’s average and is surrounded by and immersed in the cant and discourse of the status quo.

    When something really bad is going on in a culture, the average guy doesn’t see it. He can’t. He’s average and is surrounded by and immersed in the cant and discourse of the status quo.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I read Rand and thought, “I want to be one of the earth movers, the scientific people who power the world. I don’t want to be one of these lisping liberal artsy leeches.” So I was working against my actual abilities.

    I read Rand and thought, “I want to be one of the earth movers, the scientific people who power the world. I don’t want to be one of these lisping liberal artsy leeches.” So I was working against my actual abilities.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I am always considering the reader. Although this is admittedly kind of odd: Which reader? On what day? In what mood? For me, that “reader” is actually just me, if I had never read the story before. Download This Image

    I am always considering the reader. Although this is admittedly kind of odd: Which reader? On what day? In what mood? For me, that “reader” is actually just me, if I had never read the story before.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - If you have a friend, what’s the best way you can experience her beauty? It’s to really accept her. She’s weird in this way,

    If you have a friend, what’s the best way you can experience her beauty? It’s to really accept her. She’s weird in this way,

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - I’m getting anxious, I’m getting more manic. Now, I’m an extreme case because I’m old and I’m overdoing it. But still, it’s really interesting that I can actually feel a change in my neurochemistry from this interaction with the technology. Download This Image

    I’m getting anxious, I’m getting more manic. Now, I’m an extreme case because I’m old and I’m overdoing it. But still, it’s really interesting that I can actually feel a change in my neurochemistry from this interaction with the technology.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram George Saunders Quote - America, to me, should be shouting all the time, a bunch of shouting voices, most of them wrong, some of them nuts, but please, not just one droning glamourous reasonable voice. Download This Image

    America, to me, should be shouting all the time, a bunch of shouting voices, most of them wrong, some of them nuts, but please, not just one droning glamourous reasonable voice.