God heales, and the Physitian hath the thankes.
GEORGE HERBERTGod heales, and the Physitian hath the thankes.
GEORGE HERBERTIt’s a dangerous fire begins in the bed-straw.
GEORGE HERBERTA feather in hand is better then a bird in the ayre.
GEORGE HERBERTDrink not the third glass, which thou canst not tame, when once it is within thee.
GEORGE HERBERTI envy no man’s nightingale or spring; Nor let them punish me with loss of rhyme, Who plainly say, My God, My King.
GEORGE HERBERTThou that hast given so much to me give me one thing more, a grateful heart: not thankful when it pleaseth me, as if Thy blessings had spare days, but such a heart whose pulse may be Thy praise.
GEORGE HERBERTHe is a great Necromancer, for he asks counsel counsell of the Dead (i.e. books).
GEORGE HERBERTHe that trusts much Obliges much, says the Spaniard.
GEORGE HERBERTThe tongue is not steele, yet it cuts. [The tongue is not steel yet it cuts.]
GEORGE HERBERTAll that shakes falles not.
GEORGE HERBERTOf all smells, bread; of all tastes, salt.
GEORGE HERBERTThe honey is sweet, but the Bee stings.
GEORGE HERBERTLittle pitchers have wide eares. [Little pitchers have wide ears.]
GEORGE HERBERTAstrologie is true, but the Astrologers cannot finde it.
GEORGE HERBERTPraise the Sea, but keepe on land.
GEORGE HERBERTMany, affecting wit beyond their power, Have got to be a dear fool for an hour.