I’d rather write about laughing than crying, For laughter makes men human, and courageous.
Anand Thakur
I’d rather write about laughing than crying, For laughter makes men human, and courageous.
FRANCOIS RABELAISOne falls to the ground in trying to sit on two stools.
FRANCOIS RABELAISIf you understand why a monkey in a family is always mocked and harassed, you understand why monks are rejected by all–both old and young.
FRANCOIS RABELAISLanguages exist by arbitrary institutions and conventions among peoples; words, as the dialecticians tell us, do not signify naturally, but at our pleasure.
FRANCOIS RABELAISWisdom entereth not into a malicious mind.
FRANCOIS RABELAISI drink for the thirst to come.
FRANCOIS RABELAISNature made the day for exercise, work and seeing to one’s business; and … it provides us with a candle, which is to say the bright and joyous light of the sun.
FRANCOIS RABELAISHow shall I be able to rule over others, that have not full power and command of myself?
FRANCOIS RABELAISAn old monkey never makes a pretty face.
FRANCOIS RABELAISLet every one be fully convinced in his own mind.
FRANCOIS RABELAISNever did a great man hate good wine.
FRANCOIS RABELAISBring down the curtain, the farce is over.
FRANCOIS RABELAISThere is nothing holy nor sacred to those who have abandoned God and reason in order to follow their perverse desires.
FRANCOIS RABELAISI never sleep in comfort save when I am hearing a sermon or praying to God.
FRANCOIS RABELAISFrom the gut comes the strut, and where hunger reigns, strength abstains.
FRANCOIS RABELAISHungry bellies have no ears.