I called to the other men that the sky was clearing, and then a moment later I realized that what I had seen was not a rift in the clouds but the white crest of an enormous wave.
ERNEST SHACKLETONI called to the other men that the sky was clearing, and then a moment later I realized that what I had seen was not a rift in the clouds but the white crest of an enormous wave.
ERNEST SHACKLETONA man must shape himself to a new mark directly the old one goes to ground.
ERNEST SHACKLETONI do not know what ‘moss’ stands for in the proverb , but if it stood for useful knowledge… I gathered more moss by rolling than I ever did at school.
ERNEST SHACKLETONI seemed to vow to myself that some day I would go to the region of ice and snow and go on and on till I came to one of the poles of the earth, the end of the axis upon which this great round ball turns.
ERNEST SHACKLETONSuperhuman effort isn’t worth a damn unless it achieves results.
ERNEST SHACKLETONIf I had not some strength of will I would make a first class drunkard.
ERNEST SHACKLETONI thought you’d rather have a live donkey than a dead lion.
ERNEST SHACKLETONWhen things are easy, I hate it.
ERNEST SHACKLETONThe noise resembles the roar of heavy, distant surf. Standing on the stirring ice one can imagine it is disturbed by the breathing and tossing of a mighty giant below.
ERNEST SHACKLETONOptimism is true moral courage.
ERNEST SHACKLETONI have often marveled at the thin line which separates success from failure.
ERNEST SHACKLETONOne feels ‘the dearth of human words, the roughness of mortal speech’ in trying to describe things intangible.
ERNEST SHACKLETONIf you’re a leader, a fellow that other fellows look to, you’ve got to keep going.
ERNEST SHACKLETONWe had seen God in His splendors, heard the text that Nature renders. We had reached the naked soul of man.
ERNEST SHACKLETONOptimism is the true moral courage.
ERNEST SHACKLETONFrom the sentimental point of view, it is the last great Polar journey that can be made.