You were at school and you were pimply and no one wanted to know you. You get into a group and you’ve got thousands of chicks there.
ERIC CLAPTONYou were at school and you were pimply and no one wanted to know you. You get into a group and you’ve got thousands of chicks there.
ERIC CLAPTONI got a problem, can you relate? I got a woman calling love hate.
ERIC CLAPTONIt’s taken me to be an older guy, an old man, to have an old man’s voice. Because I only liked old men’s voices. As a kid, I didn’t like pip-squeaked singers.
ERIC CLAPTONIt sounds strange for me to be saying this, but I’ve come around to the idea that sex really is for procreation.
ERIC CLAPTONLeave bands, go back to obscurity if I choose to, without a great sense of loss of security because it’s all been based on the fact that I did it on my own or was doing, enjoying doing it on my own in the first place.
ERIC CLAPTONFor me, the most trustworthy vehicle for spirituality had always proven to be music.
ERIC CLAPTONBefore you accuse me, take a look at yourself.
ERIC CLAPTONIt was stumbling on to really the bible of the blues, you know, and a very powerful drug to be introduced to us and I absorbed it totally, and it changed my complete outlook on music.
ERIC CLAPTONI wish I could write easily. I’m one of those guys who’s visited by the muse when things are dire.
ERIC CLAPTONI never set myself too high a goal. It was always tone and feeling, for me.
ERIC CLAPTONI think I deliberately sold out a couple of times. I picked the songs that I thought would do well in the marketplace, even though I didn’t really love the song.
ERIC CLAPTONLike a fool, I fell in love with you, Turned my whole world upside down.
ERIC CLAPTONIt’s been very important throughout my career that I’ve met all the guys I’ve copied, because at each stage they’ve said, ‘Don’t play like me, play like you.’
ERIC CLAPTONThe thing about pessimism is that in most cases it’s nothing more than a front behind which a body can hide its most sweetful yet painful hopes. please forgive mine.
ERIC CLAPTONThe first guitar I ever had was a gut-string Spanish guitar, and I couldn’t really get the hang of it. I was only 13, and I talked my grandparents into buying it for me. I tried and tried and tried, but got nowhere with it.
ERIC CLAPTONMy original interests and intentions in guitar playing were primarily created on quality of tone, for instance, the way the instrument could be made to echo or simulate the human voice.