When something happens, the only thing in your power is your attitude toward it; you can either accept it or resent it.
EPICTETUSSuffering arises from trying to control what is uncontrollable, or from neglecting what is within our power.
More Epictetus Quotes
It’s so simple really: If you say you’re going to do something, do it. If you start something, finish it.
If evil be spoken of you and it be true, correct yourself, if it be a lie, laugh at it.
Small-minded people blame others. Average people blame themselves. The wise see all blame as foolishness.
It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.
Have the wisdom to know what cannot be changed, and the strength to change what can.
The more we value things outside our control, the less control we have.
Freedom and happiness are won by disregarding things that lie beyond our control.
We can’t control the impressions others form about us, and the effort to do so only debases our character.
No great thing is created suddenly. There must be time. Give your best and always be kind.
We suffer not from the events in our lives but from our judgement about them.
By accepting life’s limits and inevitabilities and working with them rather than fighting them, we become free.
A ship should not ride on a single anchor, nor life on a single hope.
Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.
Every difficulty in life presents us with an opportunity to turn inward and to invoke our own submerged inner resources. The trials we endure can and should introduce us to our strengths.
It’s time to stop being vague. If you wish to be an extraordinary person, if you wish to be wise, then you should explicitly identify the kind of person you aspire to become.