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  • Drew Barrymore Quote - I think video village is bullshit. It’s like it’s a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It’s just such a weird dynamic. Download This Image
  • Drew Barrymore Quote - I think video village is bullshit. It’s like it’s a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It’s just such a weird dynamic.
  • Drew Barrymore Quote - I think video village is bullshit. It’s like it’s a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It’s just such a weird dynamic.
  • Drew Barrymore Quote - I think video village is bullshit. It’s like it’s a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It’s just such a weird dynamic.
  • Drew Barrymore Quote - I think video village is bullshit. It’s like it’s a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It’s just such a weird dynamic.
  • Drew Barrymore Quote - I think video village is bullshit. It’s like it’s a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It’s just such a weird dynamic.
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I think video village is bullshit. It’s like it’s a breeding ground for people to nitpick and feel important. It’s just such a weird dynamic.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I don’t want to be vain or fearful, and I don’t think I’ll do anything [in terms of plastic surgery], but if I want to do something, I will. From my perspective, there’s no reason to be afraid of aging, because if you age, you’re lucky! The alternative is death. Download This Image

    I don’t want to be vain or fearful, and I don’t think I’ll do anything [in terms of plastic surgery], but if I want to do something, I will. From my perspective, there’s no reason to be afraid of aging, because if you age, you’re lucky! The alternative is death.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I just want to make sure I have a sense of balance between work and life, because work is my life and the lines can get really blurry. Download This Image

    I just want to make sure I have a sense of balance between work and life, because work is my life and the lines can get really blurry.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I still, at hotel rooms, I do this one sort of not-so-cool thing: continually shoving my room service tray in front of someone else’s door. Because I don’t want the remnants. I don’t want to be caught, like, being like the pig that I was at two in the morning.

    I still, at hotel rooms, I do this one sort of not-so-cool thing: continually shoving my room service tray in front of someone else’s door. Because I don’t want the remnants. I don’t want to be caught, like, being like the pig that I was at two in the morning.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I’ve got Flossie dog, and she is great. She and I are still in love, 14 years. That’s a relationship that works.

    I’ve got Flossie dog, and she is great. She and I are still in love, 14 years. That’s a relationship that works.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I decided very early on that it took too much of my energy to pretend to be someone else. People will make up their minds about me whatever I do or say, but at least I know I am being true to myself. Download This Image

    I decided very early on that it took too much of my energy to pretend to be someone else. People will make up their minds about me whatever I do or say, but at least I know I am being true to myself.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - Whatever I’ve experienced in my life is a part of my story, and I’m proud of that. But it’s someone who wakes up early, works all day, believes in charitable work, business-minded, diligent, accountable, problem-solving… I’m so much about school, consistency and tradition.

    Whatever I’ve experienced in my life is a part of my story, and I’m proud of that. But it’s someone who wakes up early, works all day, believes in charitable work, business-minded, diligent, accountable, problem-solving… I’m so much about school, consistency and tradition.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I hate women who say they can eat whatever they want, because I don’t relate to that at all. It isn’t fair! I absolutely live for food. Download This Image

    I hate women who say they can eat whatever they want, because I don’t relate to that at all. It isn’t fair! I absolutely live for food.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - If I ever start talking to you about my ‘craft’, my ‘instrument’, you have permission to shoot me.

    If I ever start talking to you about my ‘craft’, my ‘instrument’, you have permission to shoot me.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I’d definitely be the kind of parent who enabled my child’s dreams. I’d just watch and nurture and guide them. I have the blueprints of what not to do… I think I’d be a good parent, actually. Download This Image

    I’d definitely be the kind of parent who enabled my child’s dreams. I’d just watch and nurture and guide them. I have the blueprints of what not to do… I think I’d be a good parent, actually.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I mean, I come from a hippie mentality where I just think to know someone, you need to look into their eyes. Eyes are so important. Until they start melon-balling eyes out, I won’t be able to get to know someone another way. Download This Image

    I mean, I come from a hippie mentality where I just think to know someone, you need to look into their eyes. Eyes are so important. Until they start melon-balling eyes out, I won’t be able to get to know someone another way.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I’m just learning who I am and how relationships work and how to make them function. No different from anyone else.

    I’m just learning who I am and how relationships work and how to make them function. No different from anyone else.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - Happiness is a choice. You have to choose it – and you have to fight for it.

    Happiness is a choice. You have to choose it – and you have to fight for it.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - No matter what the genre, I want to see me and my friends. I want to see reality. I want to see what we’re really like. I loved ‘Bridesmaids’. I thought it was the most honest portrayal of female friendship in such a long time.

    No matter what the genre, I want to see me and my friends. I want to see reality. I want to see what we’re really like. I loved ‘Bridesmaids’. I thought it was the most honest portrayal of female friendship in such a long time.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I grew up in a makeup chair, to see! the women around me getting ready was so aspirational, It is about mothers and daughters, a girl watching her mom at a vanity table.

    I grew up in a makeup chair, to see! the women around me getting ready was so aspirational, It is about mothers and daughters, a girl watching her mom at a vanity table.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - I really want to understand the mind so I can be more comfortable with the way people are. Being comfortable with people is incredibly important.

    I really want to understand the mind so I can be more comfortable with the way people are. Being comfortable with people is incredibly important.

  • Share on Facebook Tweet this! Share on LinkedIn Share on Whatsapp Share on Telegram Drew Barrymore Quote - It’s my crusade to help women feel good about themselves. Download This Image

    It’s my crusade to help women feel good about themselves.