Refraining from all evil, not clinging to birth and death, working in deep compassion for all sentient beings, respecting those over you and pitying those below you, without any detesting or desiring, worrying or lamentation – this is what is called Buddha. Do not search beyond it.
DOGENIn a mind clear as still water, even the waves, breaking, are reflecting its light.
More Dogen Quotes
An ancient buddha said, “Mountains are mountains; waters are waters.” These words do not mean mountains are mountains; they mean mountains are mountains.
Nothing in the entire universe is hidden.
Why abandon a seat in your own home to wander in vain through dusty regions of another land? If you make one false step, you miss what is right before your eyes.
One must be deeply aware of the impermanence of the world.
In the mundane, nothing is sacred. In sacredness, nothing is mundane.
The coming and going of birth and death is a painting. Unsurpassed enlightenment is a painting. The entire phenomenal universe and the empty sky are nothing but a painting.
To escape from the world means that one’s mind is not concerned with the opinions of the world.
If you do not get it from yourself, where will you go for it?
Just practice good, do good for others, without thinking of making yourself known so that you may gain reward. Really bring benefit to others, gaining nothing for yourself. This is the primary requisite for breaking free of attachments to the Self.
Be moderate in eating and drinking. Mindful of the passing of time, engage yourself in zazen as though saving your head from fire.
Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment.
Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken. Take heed, do not squander your life.
Students today should live fully every moment of time. This dew-like life fades away; time speeds swiftly. In this short life of ours, avoid involvement in superfluous things and just study the Way.
Truth is not far away. It is nearer than near. There is no need to attain it, since not one of your steps leads away from it.
A zen master’s life is one continuous mistake.