An ancient buddha said, “Mountains are mountains; waters are waters.” These words do not mean mountains are mountains; they mean mountains are mountains.
DOGENLife and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken. Take heed, do not squander your life.
More Dogen Quotes
What you think in your own mind to be good, or what people of the world think is good, is not necessarily good.
Those who practice know whether realization is attained or not, just as those who drink water know whether it is hot or cold
Do not be amazed by the true dragon.
Look for Buddha outside your own mind, and Buddha becomes the devil.
There are thousands upon thousands of students who have practiced meditation and obtained its fruits. Do not doubt its possibilities because of the simplicity of the method. If you can not find the truth right where you are, where else do you expect to find it?
Emptiness is bound to bloom, like hundreds of grasses blossoming.
Do not doubt that mountains walk simply because they may not appear to walk like humans.
Coming, going, the waterbirds, don’t leave a trace, don’t follow a path.
Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.
Truth is not far away. It is nearer than near. There is no need to attain it, since not one of your steps leads away from it.
Those who see worldly life as an obstacle to Dharma see no Dharma in everyday actions. They have not yet discovered that there are no everyday actions outside of Dharma.
Just practice good, do good for others, without thinking of making yourself known so that you may gain reward. Really bring benefit to others, gaining nothing for yourself. This is the primary requisite for breaking free of attachments to the Self.
Be moderate in eating and drinking. Mindful of the passing of time, engage yourself in zazen as though saving your head from fire.
Prefer to be defeated in the presence of the wise than to excel among fools.
Do not travel to other dusty lands, forsaking your own sitting place; if you cannot find the truth where you are now, you will never find it.