One must be deeply aware of the impermanence of the world.
DOGENThe true person is Not anyone in particular; But like the deep blue color Of the limitless sky, It is everyone, Everywhere in the world.
More Dogen Quotes
When both body and mind are at peace, all things appear as they are: perfect, complete, lacking nothing.
In the mundane, nothing is sacred. In sacredness, nothing is mundane.
If he cannot stop the mind that seeks after fame and profit, he will spend his life without finding peace.
That the self advances and confirms the ten thousand things is called delusion; that the ten thousand things advance and confirm the self is called enlightenment.
People who truly follow the Way would do well to conceal the fact that they are Buddhists.
There are those who, attracted by grass, flowers, mountains, and waters, flow into the Buddha Way.
We must always be disturbed by the truth.
Yet you must not cling to the words of the old sages either; they, too, may not be right. Even if you believe them, you should be alert so that, in the event that something superior comes along, you may follow that.
I asked, “What are words?” The tenzo said, “One, two, three, four, five.” I asked again, “What is practice?” “Nothing in the entire universe is hidden.”
When one first seeks the truth, one separates oneself from it.
Emptiness is bound to bloom, like hundreds of grasses blossoming.
Do not travel to other dusty lands, forsaking your own sitting place; if you cannot find the truth where you are now, you will never find it.
Just as parents care for their children, you should bear in mind the whole universe.
Do not doubt that mountains walk simply because they may not appear to walk like humans.
Something you want badly enough can always be gained. No matter how fierce the enemy, how remote the beautiful lady, or how carefully guarded the treasure, there is always a means to the goal for the earnest seeker. The unseen help of the guardian gods of heaven and earth assure fulfillment.