The decisions of law courts should never be printed: in the long run, they form a counter authority to the law.
Anand Thakur
The decisions of law courts should never be printed: in the long run, they form a counter authority to the law.
DENIS DIDEROTDoes not vanity itself cease to be blamable, is it not even ennobled, when it is directed to laudable objects, when it confines itself to prompting us to great and generous actions?
DENIS DIDEROTIt is not human nature we should accuse but the despicable conventions that pervert it.
DENIS DIDEROTPhilosophy is as far separated from impiety as religion is from fanaticism.
DENIS DIDEROTThere is no moral precept that does not have something inconvenient about it.
DENIS DIDEROTIn order to get as much fame as one’s father one has to much more able than he.
DENIS DIDEROTThe enjoyment of freedom which could be exercised without any motivation would be the real hallmark of a maniac.
DENIS DIDEROTOne may demand of me that I should seek truth, but not that I should find it.
DENIS DIDEROTI can be expected to look for truth but not to find it.
DENIS DIDEROTAnd his hands would plait the priest’s entrails, For want of a rope, to strangle kings.
DENIS DIDEROTWatch out for the fellow who talks about putting things in order! Putting things in order always means getting other people under your control.
DENIS DIDEROTNo man has received from nature the right to command his fellow human beings.
DENIS DIDEROTYou have to make it happen.
DENIS DIDEROTTo prove the Gospels by a miracle is to prove an absurdity by something contrary to nature.
DENIS DIDEROTPatriotism is an ephemeral motive that scarcely ever outlasts the particular threat to society that aroused it.
DENIS DIDEROTWe are constantly railing against the passions; we ascribe to them all of man’s afflictions, and we forget that they are also the source of all his pleasures.