Beware lest in your anxiety to avoid war you obtain a master
DEMOSTHENESThe man who flies shall fight again.
More Demosthenes Quotes
What we wish, that we readily believe.
Clouds cannot cover secret places, nor denials conceal truth.
Success has a great tendency to conceal and throw a veil over the evil deeds of men.
He who confers a favor should at once forget it, if he is not to show a sordid ungenerous spirit. To remind a man of a kindness conferred and to talk of it, is little different from reproach.
There is a great deal of wishful thinking in such cases it is the easiest thing of all to deceive ones self.
What we have in us of the image of God is the love of truth and justice.
One believes in what one wants to believe in.
There is one safeguard known generally to the wise, which is an advantage and security to all, but especially to democracies as against despots – suspicion.
Nothing is so easy as to deceive oneself; for what we wish, we readily believe.
You cannot have a proud and chivalrous spirit if your conduct is mean and paltry; for whatever a man’s actions are, such must be his spirit.
Whatever shall be to the advantage of all, may that prevail!
It is not possible to found a lasting power upon injustice, perjury, and treachery.
As a vessel is known by the sound, whether it be cracked or not; so men are proved, by their speeches, whether they be wise or foolish.
The best protection for the people is not necessarily to believe everything people tell them.
A man is his own easiest dupe, for what he wishes to be true he generally believes to be true.