Nature has buried truth deep in the bottom of the sea.
DEMOCRITUSPeople sometimes rationalize their greed by saying that it is all for the good of their children but this is nothing but an excuse they use to make their despicable actions appear respectable and praiseworthy.
More Democritus Quotes
I would rather discover one true cause than gain the kingdom of Persia.
Everywhere man blames nature and fate yet his fate is mostly but the echo of his character and passion, his mistakes and his weaknesses.
Sexual intercourse is a slight attack of apoplexy.
Life unexamined, is not worth living.
The person who can laugh with life has developed deep roots with confidence and faith-faith in oneself, in people and in the world, as contrasted to negative ideas with distrust and discouragement.
The brave man is not only he who overcomes the enemy, but he who is stronger than pleasures.
The pride of youth is in strength and beauty, the pride of old age is in discretion.
Immoderate desire is the mark of a child, not a man.
Nature and education are somewhat similar. The latter transforms man, and in so doing creates a second nature.
Education is an ornament for the prosperous, a refuge for the unfortunate.
Some men are masters of cities, but are enslaved to women.
More men have become great through practice than by nature.
Fortune provides a man’s table with luxuries, virtue with only a frugal meal.
Tis hard to fight with anger, but the prudent man keeps it under control.
People sometimes rationalize their greed by saying that it is all for the good of their children but this is nothing but an excuse they use to make their despicable actions appear respectable and praiseworthy.