Spiritual formation for the Christian basically refers to the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself.
Anand Thakur
Spiritual formation for the Christian basically refers to the Spirit-driven process of forming the inner world of the human self in such a way that it becomes like the inner being of Christ himself.
DALLAS WILLARDA leader enables people to love and honor the role they play in the organization or group they are part of.
DALLAS WILLARDThe different parts of the automobile like the ignition switch, the various buttons, the steering wheel – the interfaces between the driver and the machine – is our spirit or heart.
DALLAS WILLARDThere is no problem in human life that apprenticeship to Jesus cannot solve.
DALLAS WILLARDThe ultimate freedom we have as human beings is the power to select what we will allow or require our minds to dwell upon.
DALLAS WILLARDUnderstanding is the basis of care. What you would take care of you must first understand, whether it be a petunia or a nation.
DALLAS WILLARDBelief is when your whole being is set to act as if something is so.
DALLAS WILLARDMake disciples. Surround them in the reality of the Trinity in a fellowship of disciples. Teach them to do everything Jesus says.
DALLAS WILLARDThe truly powerful ideas are precisely the ones that never have to justify themselves.
DALLAS WILLARDThe hardest thing about leadership is the intimacy it requires.
DALLAS WILLARDRuthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.
DALLAS WILLARDGod’s address is at the end of your rope.
DALLAS WILLARDKingdom obedience is kingdom abundance.
DALLAS WILLARDSuppose our failures occur, not in spite of what we are doing, but precisely because of it.
DALLAS WILLARDSometimes we get caught up in trying to glorify God by praising what He can do and we lose sight of the practical point of what He actually does do.
DALLAS WILLARDThe people to whom we minister and speak will not recall 99 percent of what we say to them, but they will never forget the kind of persons we are.