Grace is not opposed to effort; it’s opposed to earning.
Anand Thakur
Grace is not opposed to effort; it’s opposed to earning.
DALLAS WILLARDYou can live opposite of what you profess, but you cannot live opposite of what you believe.
DALLAS WILLARDOur failure to hear His voice when we want to is due to the fact that we do not in general want to hear it, that we want it only when we think we need it.
DALLAS WILLARDThe greatest challenge the church faces today is to be authentic disciples of Jesus.
DALLAS WILLARDKeep eternity before the children.
DALLAS WILLARDAlmost everything worth doing in human life is very difficult in its early stages and the good we are aiming at is never available at first, to strengthen us when we seem to need it most.
DALLAS WILLARDThe transformation of the social world is at its heart the transformation of personal relations. That’s the key to transforming society in the larger arena.
DALLAS WILLARDAt the center of care for the heart is the love of God. This must be the joyful aim of our life.
DALLAS WILLARDGrace is not opposed to effort, it is opposed to earning. Earning is an attitude. Effort is an action. Grace, you know, does not just have to do with forgiveness of sins alone.
DALLAS WILLARDThe sinner is not the one who uses a lot of grace. The saint burns grace like a 747 burns fuel on take off.
DALLAS WILLARDGod’s aim in human history is the creation of an inclusive community of loving persons, with himself included as its primary sustainer and most glorious inhabitant.
DALLAS WILLARDTheology is a part of our lives. It’s unavoidable. A thoughtless theology guides our lives with just as much force as a thoughtful and informed one.
DALLAS WILLARDEvery church needs to be able to answer two questions. First, what is our plan for making disciples? And second, does our plan work?
DALLAS WILLARDThe ultimate freedom we have as human beings is the power to select what we will allow or require our minds to dwell upon.
DALLAS WILLARDUnderstanding is the basis of care. What you would take care of you must first understand, whether it be a petunia or a nation.
DALLAS WILLARDThere is no avoiding the fact that we live at the mercy of our ideas This is never more true than with our ideas about God.